1 lb. venison burger

1 egg

¼ cup milk

½ cup brown sugar, packed

¾ tsp. salt

1 T. cornstarch

½ tsp. pepper

1 can (13 ¼ oz.) chunk pineapple undrained

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

⅓ cup dry bread crumbs or oatmeal

⅓ cup vinegar

1 T. soy sauce

2 T. onion, chopped

½ cup green pepper, chopped (optional)


Preheat oven 375°  Combine burger, milk, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, bread crumbs, onion, and egg.  Shape into 20 balls, 1 ½ inches and place on cookie sheet.  Cook in oven for 20 to 25 minutes turning only once.  Put brown sugar, cornstarch, pineapple, vinegar, and soy sauce in pot and let simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Add green pepper; cover and simmer about 5 minutes longer.  Put the meatballs in a large pan and add the sauce to the meatballs and let simmer for 20 minutes.